Hamilton County Board of Elections is looking for more poll-workers for May's Primary Election.
Be a part of keeping our elections safe and fair. Sign up to be a poll worker. You take a class on how to run an election and are assigned to a polling location near your home. There's a pre-election meeting the night before and then you work the whole election day. This is a paid position that is crucial to the function of our democracy. They need workers of ALL political affiliations.
Learn more at the Hamilton County BOE website.

Hamilton County's Clerk of Court's Office
Virtual Help Center Resources
The Help Center provides people with education, information, and limited legal advice to access our courts, pertaining to Municipal Court and Juvenile Court in Hamilton County, Ohio.
You can find guides on their webpage, or you can come in person to visit the Help Center in downtown Cincinnati.
Learn more at the Help Center
Know your rights with the ACLU of Ohio
From voting rights and gender-affirming care in Ohio to abortion access and fighting back against banning books, the ACLU is protecting civil liberties in Ohio and beyond.
Learn more at https://www.acluohio.org

Single-Payer Action Network Ohio (SPAN Ohio)
SPAN Ohio is a coalition of individuals and organizations working together to achieve fundamental reform of the health insurance system. SPAN Ohio is a non-partisan, non-profit 501(c)(4) organization. Donations to SPAN Ohio ARE NOT tax deductible.
Health Care for All Ohioans (HCFAO) is a 501(c)(3) public charity serving as the education arm of SPAN Ohio. Donations to HCFAO ARE tax deductible.